Thursday, July 30, 2009

Fountains & Statues

From the elegantly artful yard statues to the babbling water brocade that flows from the fountain finials; we are pleased with the new selection of yard decor.

Though we might have a large of supply of colorful & varying styles of pottery, we lacked a certain selection of yard statuary & water features. NO LONGER.

This new shipment has filled in all the gaps & has something for everyone.
So please come in to the store & enjoy perusing, what I feel, is the best selection of garden decorations that we have ever carried.

---Andy Thielen
Mariposa Nursery

Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Fungus Among Us

Lately it feels as if the skies have been trying to make up for the past few years of dry weather. With all this rain and previous drought a lot of that water is sitting on the top few feet of the soil for a long time, before penetrating into the ground.

This is going to start fungal issues in your lawns & plants. If there is a fungus starting to develop in your garden you will notice black spots start to appear on the leaves and decaying plant material, that starts in the center of the leaf, in a circular shape & works it way outwards.

We carry both Fertilome Systemic Fungicide for Plants & Bayer Fungus Control Granules for your lawn. If you believe that this is an issue in your yard we urge you to cut off a sample of the questionable material & bring it to us at the nursery for our official diagnosis.

---Andy Thielen