Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Mariposa Nursery & Its Staff would like to extend our wishes of Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of our customers and we hope they have a joyous holiday season with their friends and family.
Holiday Hours
We will be CLOSING Friday the 23rd of Dec At 3PM.
We will be open Sat Christmas Eve
The 24th - 8AM-1PM
We Will Reopen on Tuesday the 27th Regular Hours
We will ALSO be
Closing Sat. New Year's Eve at 1PM
Christmas Wreaths & Swags by Luxart
This year we are grateful to be able to sell some of the finest wreaths and swags from Luxart Silk Floral Arrangements.
We at the nursery do not EVER sell silk plants so you know they are of exceptional quality.
Gorgeous Wreaths
This year we have an exceptional selection of Poinsettias and really nice small Poinsettia trees.
4" - $3.95
4" Std - $8.95
6" - $5.95
6" Std - $11.95
8" - $12.95
10" - $ 24.95
Get Your Frost Protection NOW!
As the cold fronts move through each week we look and look at the forecast to see when we might need to start covering up our tender plants. The time to start covering them is when it is already too late to be buying the materials you need.
We provide two different types of products for you to use in your landscape to keep Mr. Frost from torching your plants.
FreezePruf - A scientific-breakthrough – this eco-safe spray actually improves healthy plants’ natural cold tolerance by approximately 2° to 9° F, depending on the variety of plant and the duration/intensity of frost or freeze event. Developed by botanists, FreezePruf protects the plant externally and internally by enhancing both its natural “anti-freeze” like properties and its ability to survive ice crystal damage. The biodegradable formula is designed to resist washing away by rain and application lasts up to 4 weeks with normal precipitation.
Frost Blanket - Protect plants from frost, cold wind and other damaging conditions.
You'll never have to move heavy containers and hanging baskets again. Just cover wherever the plant is located.
Completely reusable, you'll see the benefits season after season.
Garden Center & Gift Shoppe
Please come in & check out all the great stocking stuffers & gifts that we have for your loved ones. We have two floors and over 7 rooms inside of garden supplies and giftware to ease your shopping experience. Also there is an AMAZING supply of different colors & styles fo pottery to choose from.
Here are some images of the many rooms we have to choose from!
Tons of great items for under yours or your friend's tree!
Our Display Case Is Full of Amazing Items!
Our Sea Themed Room is Spectacular!
Tons & Tons of Stocking Stuffers!
You Need In Your Garden!
Amazing Wall Hanings & Pictures.
Indoors & Outdoors!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Grafted Fortuniana Root Stock Roses
We are proud to announce the arrival of Floribunda Root Stock roses from Nelson's & Sons. We have Floribunda, Hybrid Tea, Grandiflora, Antique, Climbers & Others.
All Sorts of flower types and colors.

Come in quick! They are going fast. We are already on the second shipment in two weeks as I write this.

Christmas Cactus
Christmas cactus have started to arrive. If you need specific colors or large quantities (More than 2 or 3) Please call Andy or Debbie & we will be glad to fill your order.

Poinsettias - Pre Order
Please call Debbie or Andy to Pre-Order your poinsettias this season. Don't get left with a color or size you don't want. Let us know early and we will be glad to fill that order for you.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fall & Winter Annuals Are HERE!
We are pleased to announce that our Fall and Winter crops of annual color are arriving weekly and look beautiful.
Geraniums, Petunias, Begonias, Impatiens, Allysum & many more!
Best selection around at great prices!
As we have for the last few years we now have in stock some of the best looking Mums you can buy. A variety of colors, sizes and flower shapes (both button & daisy types) are available for you to brighten your landscape with this traditional fall planting.
8" POTS *BEAUTIFUL!* - $5.95

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Veggies & Herbs
Starting Labor Day weekend we will be carrying vegetable seeds and starter packs. We will also have all other supplies you need to start a vegetable and/or herb garden.
For those of you in a deed restricted home you can easily grow vegetables in containers on your lanai or pool deck with great results.
To prepare the beds you will need:
- Our rich landscape soil blend
- Organic Fertrell fertilizers
- Plastic sheets to solarize the soil
- Dolomite/Agricultural Limestone
- Shovels, Rakes & Pitchforks
To care for the plants:
- Organic pest and disease control
- Stakes & ties for larger plants
- Round Up Ready-To-Use for weeds
- A good pair of pruners (Always Sterilize Before Using Again)
As always, we are here to help you with any questions you might have with starting or growing vegetables and herbs.
Please feel free to call us, email us, or just drop on in.
Remember, we do offer a potting service at the nursery. The cost varies because of pot size and labor times. Feel free to ask if you are interested in this option.
Water or Not?
In the last month I can not count the number of customers who have brought in wilted plant material. Most of these issues are water related and it is 50/50 on too much or too little.
Proper watering is the most important thing that plants need. New OR Old.
Every situation is different and should be treated so. There is no definitive watering schedule. (I.E. If you plant that tree it has to be watered every day for 4 weeks.) It varies from plant to plant and yard to yard. Please consult with us when you purchase a plant on proper watering and care.
Another issue we are seeing is that customers are bringing in plants that are burned by a chemical substance. Herbicides, oil based insecticides & chemical fertilizers are all things that can cause a plant to look burned and wilted when they are improperly applied to your yard.
If you have a plant that looks like it is wilting (and you can't figure out why) or burnt please bring in a piece so one of our knowledgeable staff members can properly identify the issue and help you to reach a solution.

Friday, July 1, 2011


Aphids, Scale, Mealy Bugs & Whitefly
The heat and rain are here and so are the pests. As plants start to develop large growth spurts in the summer months they are prone to bugs that love to suck the juices out of that new growth.
Aphids are one of the most common pests found on new tender growth as they crawl around and stick their tongues in to drain the new leaves of fluid. they reproduce and spread at a very rapid rate but are very easy to get rid of.
Scale can come in two types(Hardscale & Softscale) and many shapes and sizes. Neither one is mobile once they stick their tongues onto the plant material. Scale can occur on both old new growth AND old growth.
Mealy bugs are usually very obvious as they settle in the nodes, where leaves develop from the branches, and they make nests that resemble a cottony substance. They are very mobile and crawl around the plant laying eggs and making more nests. If not treated right away they can infest a large area in very little time.
Whitefly is a very pesty nuisance when it infests your plants. They lay eggs all over the new and old growth and as they hatch and grow they suck the juices from the plant. Whitefly can spread extremely rapidly and IMMEDIATE action is required to help keep it under control and eradicate it.
All of these pests secrete a substance called 'honeydew' that is sweet and clear. After a while the honeydew starts to develop a moldy substance that resembles soot in nature, 'sooty mold'. The mold is actually a byproduct of the infestation and will go away once the pests are treated properly.
For proper identification and treatment please cut off a piece of any plant material that looks infested or even questionable and place it in a zip-lock bag, then bring it to us for an analysis. We have many fine professionals that are well versed in pests and their treatment.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

June Newsletter

Mariposa Nursery would like to extend our wishes of a Happy Father's Day to all Dads & Fatherly Figures.
Remember our gift shop when thinking about something to get your loved one on this special day. We also sell Gift Certificates.
Thursday the 16th, Friday the 17th
& Saturday The 18th
Father's Day Sale!
Hats, Gloves, Tools & Topical Fruit/Citrus Trees 20% OFF!
Thrips are another one of the many common pests found in florida plants. They can be introduced to your yard in a variety of ways. They can travel on strong wind gusts or even on your clothing and tools. While it is hard to prevent them from infesting your plant material it is easy to control and eradicate them once they have been properly identified and the right products are used.
Thrips normally occur on the soft fleshy petals of new flowers and leaves and can even get on some species of softer fruit. The affected parts of the plants usually yellow, blacken and shrivel up which causes them to look almost like a chemical burn. It can happen very quickly so a lot of people mistake it for a burn and not an insect infestation. Conserve Naturalyte is one of the best products to use to get rid of these pests. It is a natural product that will also work well for infestations of worms and beetles.
If you think your plants might have Thrips on them please cut off a piece and put it in a ziplock bag and bring it in to the nursery so we can confirm it and get you the right products to take care of it.
Thrip Damage On Roses
Click To See Larger Image
Rare & Exotic Orchids
We are proud to introduce Cathy's Orchids. Cathy is an expert orchid grower that now works for Mariposa Nursery and has decided to part with some of her more exotic and rare orchid specimen. The distinct variety of shapes, colors and sizes will amaze you. If you have a special request, let us know and we can try to get it for you.
Roses! Finally Here!
We would like to introduce a new item to our nursery that has Long been in demand. Grafted Roses!
All on Fortuniana Root Stock.
3gal Pots For $21.95

Friday, March 4, 2011

Spring Is Here!

Time To Trim
We all know you're tired of all that unsightly brown on your plants and trees. March is here and that means its time to start pruning back dead branches and trimming up your shrubs.
Palm Trees - Trim off any frond that is completely brown. If it is only half brown you can cut the brown part off but leave the green half of the frond as it is still producing nutrients for the tree.
Shrubs - You can trim anything that is dead off your shrubs. When in doubt scratch the trunk of the area you want to cut to see if it is green and alive or dead and brown. A good rule to follow is never remove more than 30-50% of green plant material on your shrubs.
For shrubs that are green and healthy you can trim them back to keep them shapely and sized to your liking.
Make sure to stop in and get all the tools you need for spring at 20% off this month only.
Fertrell Organic Fertilizer
After numerous requests for this product we are lucky enough to be ONE OF ONLY TWO distributors of Fertrell Brand Organic Fertilizer locally. Come in and check out this new and exciting product and let us show you how it can enhance your gardening experience.
Check Out Our New Retail Section
Finding a plant in our 20 acres is sometimes a daunting task. We have created a whole new section with you in mind. All of the plants are labeled and priced for your convenience.
Carts For Easy Shopping!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy New Years From Mariposa Nursery
We hope everyone had a joyous and safe holiday season with family and friends. We would also like to extend our wishes for a happy and proseperous new year.
Taking Care of
Cold Damaged Plants
Well another year and another set of hard frost. We would like to remind everyone of a few key things to keep your burnt plants alive.
Shrubs - Do not trim your shrubs back until early spring (March 15th is usually a good time)
The brown dead material might look unsightly but it will act as an insulator in the next couple months in case we have more cold.
Palm Trees - You should treat your palm trees with a manganese sulfate and liquid copper mix. Come on in to get our brochure with the application rates.
Mulch It Up
While the weather isn't stifling hot, its a great time to take advantage and remulch your landscaping. We offer high quality mulches in larger bags than the big box stores, so you save money.
- Cypress Mulch (Grade A & B)
- Pine Bark Nuggets (Large & Mini)
- Red
- Cocoa Brown
New Annual Shipments Arriving Weekly
We know that you want to keep color in your yard all winter long. So to enhance your garden we are receiving bedding plants on a weekly (sometimes twice a week) basis. Always something new to check out. So stop on in and spruce up your landscape.