Friday, July 1, 2011


Aphids, Scale, Mealy Bugs & Whitefly
The heat and rain are here and so are the pests. As plants start to develop large growth spurts in the summer months they are prone to bugs that love to suck the juices out of that new growth.
Aphids are one of the most common pests found on new tender growth as they crawl around and stick their tongues in to drain the new leaves of fluid. they reproduce and spread at a very rapid rate but are very easy to get rid of.
Scale can come in two types(Hardscale & Softscale) and many shapes and sizes. Neither one is mobile once they stick their tongues onto the plant material. Scale can occur on both old new growth AND old growth.
Mealy bugs are usually very obvious as they settle in the nodes, where leaves develop from the branches, and they make nests that resemble a cottony substance. They are very mobile and crawl around the plant laying eggs and making more nests. If not treated right away they can infest a large area in very little time.
Whitefly is a very pesty nuisance when it infests your plants. They lay eggs all over the new and old growth and as they hatch and grow they suck the juices from the plant. Whitefly can spread extremely rapidly and IMMEDIATE action is required to help keep it under control and eradicate it.
All of these pests secrete a substance called 'honeydew' that is sweet and clear. After a while the honeydew starts to develop a moldy substance that resembles soot in nature, 'sooty mold'. The mold is actually a byproduct of the infestation and will go away once the pests are treated properly.
For proper identification and treatment please cut off a piece of any plant material that looks infested or even questionable and place it in a zip-lock bag, then bring it to us for an analysis. We have many fine professionals that are well versed in pests and their treatment.

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